
Case Study

STEP CG and Extreme Networks Supercharge K-12 Learning

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Jefferson County Public Schools Learning Environment Supercharged with Wireless Upgrade

Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) is the 27th largest district in the United States, providing high-quality education to nearly 100,000 K-12 students in Louisville, KY. By leveraging the benefits of the US E-rate program, JCPS has been able to incorporate various cutting-edge educational technology solutions into the classroom by leveraging the benefits of the US E-rate Program.

Creating an innovative and engaging environment for students and staff to collaborate and learn was the goal. But there was only one barrier to successfully rolling out a digital initiative that would provide every JCPS student with access to premium learning experiences across the entire district: Reliable high-speed internet access.

Maintaining continuous network integrity for over 200k users is no small feat, but STEPcg and Extreme Networks were able to design and deploy a solution that met current requirements while allowing room for growth.

Read our latest case study to learn how we pulled it off, by downloading it now.